Orkut hack code

You are on right track. You may need to wait longer mins at the most if you are using very slow internet connection! Also as Jean figured out above this will not work in Internet Explorer! So use firefox.. Now I just tested locked album hack and its working. I dont think scrapbook hack still works but you can definitely check locked album by using above code in firefox.

Gokul Thanks for droppin few nice word… wishin you merry xmas and a very happy new year! Ankit Agrawal Sure ankit. The trick is still working.

But on personal note just use it for fun. Do not abuse someone! Devils get mature and put some stuff which will work.. I will mail back few pics from that album!

Thanks for your effort. But I am sorry to say that the java script doesnt work even in firefox. After freezing for mins.

N frnnn i neeed ure hlp.. Ankit you can use feedback form to contact us! You are right buddy! Even I have noticed few profiles. So its hard to figure them out!

Ankit y are u so aggressive ankit.. Roshan Sorry dude but that profile is lucky I guess! You may try on other profiles. On different profiles you get different no. At least you got 5, some people got zero!

Nyway thanks for nice comment! Now thanks for updating. I have posted about it here! Old versions not working……….. Most of the time I see people comment when things are not working! Just updated it! I guess u have noticed it when u started firefox! Hey … gr8 job yaar … but i want to ask something … when i start flooding … why only scraps comes?

Now about your question! Well its hard to do that in one shot as Orkut bans u! So better go for scraps each day or create 10 fake profile and flood scrapbook from 10 profiles!

Hey its doing everything every no. Prateek First sorry for late reply! Its not working for me. I enter the time interval and select start flood. Now scrapper is a program in case firefox addon which perform one task repeatedly… sending a scrap to orkut user!

This may sound stupid but people do this to increase their own scrap, to impress other non-geek orkut user, or simply want to make someone feel special on their birthdays by wishing them hundreds of time with such a program! If flooding stops after sending few scraps and without returning any error try intervals like 40, 30, 20, 10….

If flooding stop but no. Also u can flood only ur and ur friend scrapbook provided ur friend havent put u on their ignore list! DEEP Sorry for wrong solution in earlier comment! Thik se check karo! Top-Right side me edit options naam ka option aa raha hoga.. Pehla screenshot dekho! Thanks …. Now about thing you are askin… Its possible very much bro! In fact this was in my planning. Sorry for late reply but I guess everything will be fine by the time you will read this comment!

By the way my orkut profile link is here! Actually last time I confirmed orkut was temporarily blocking users after flooding scraps…. So if you are getting blocked by orkut after scraps then we can say orkut has lowered the limit… [very bad news… : ].

Now try intervals of range! Hi am Pritesh Gupta i tried it and it really worked but it can work only from our account itself bcoz after scraps in other account it comes to write the code.

Pritesh Gupta I guess you were trying to flood a users scrapbook who is not in your friend-list! Silver thing — Its a random string need to be attached to each scrap.

So some random string is needed to fool orkut! Hey Awesome Buddy…….. But my scraps quantity iz same as before…. Vivek Whats your internet connection speed?? Nitin Yes. You get blocked otherwise. Scrapper may stop earlier too, nut in that case just start flooding again. Oh no! MaN it doesnt flood more then one or two scraps n what is interval i have In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

All I can say is do not use flooder greedily, your account may get deleted. Just let me know few things… 1. If scraps in scrapbook you were flooding are increased or not? Abhishek Hey sorry for late reply buddy.. Kanna When you flood too much, you get temporary ban by orkut. It last for hours. You will be able to use Orkut automatically after that.

Varun What is your internet connection speed?? Varun Increasing rate is not fixed. Also silver number is random string needed to make things work…. Please if u have any codes or software for community member flooder. If at all only it works for orkut now. I know the reason for problem so will fix it for sure in few hours. Check above comments for answers.

Its Asking Verification Code. For example…… puttin in place of where scraps is written???????????? If you just could nt send one single scrap using flooder then let me know…. About Blog Contact Search. Search for:. I have just created a firefox toolbar for orkut scrapbook flooding! This is my first firefox extension and created in hurry! With time will add new features like community flooding, testimonial flooding, etc to it!

Help on flooder is available toolbar itself! Hey Rahul, I tested this hack out, and it did not work well, it did, but for only one or two scraps.

This wht i got after i clicked on the downlaod link…. Reason: hay man where is scrapper is not working right now man. So check out n lemme know if i got ur prob right! Can I use a Specific Message for scrap book Flooding??? Can i use a specific comment or a word to use for flooding like bye times??? TO: Neo You got it right dude. Also scrapper will work only with firefox 1. Cause i tested it twice a day… yesterday as well as today… theres no prob… scrapper. Cause i tested it twice a day… yesterday as well as today… theres no prob… I am using firefox 1.

To: Nazzy what type of error message u got?? Also list as much details as possible! Parth Try Intervals like ! Hi, I had sent around scraps to a friend of mine using the javascript.

Regards, Ebe. But due to exams n tight schedule it may take another a month or two! Higher the connection speed, less time interval is needed One more thing : if time interval is too low or too high flooding will not take place.

Not working for me.. Faizen, Updated scrapbook flooder for new look of orkut! You can not use scrapper on any person who is not in your friend list! Type while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard. Blank Scrap.

If you like the service, please do refer your friends to use our free service by clicking HERE For writing blank scrap, follow the steps: 1 Open any scrapbook. That's all. NOTE:You can also use [b] tag instead of [i] tag You can also use this method to post a blank entry in any community forum. You can try these various combinations also if u want to send a big no of invisible scraps, as after your few submissions it will start displaying the message "message sent too recently".

So try these combinations out: [u] [b] [i][u] [i][b] [u][i] [u][b] [u][i][b] [i][u][b] [i][u][b][i]. Watch the Pictures of ur Friends in Action:.


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