Oracleasm-support-version.arch.rpm download

See "systemctl status oracleasm. This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is loaded on boot and what permissions it will have.

The current values will be shown in brackets '[]'. Hitting without typing an answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort. See ya! Author: matheusdba. Leave a Comment Cancel reply.

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Depending on your operating system, you must install the oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support packages for all Oracle ASMLIB installations. Method 1: After you have downloaded the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver packages as described in Step 2, run the following yum commands to install the oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support packages.

Method 2: Alternatively, install the following packages in sequence, where version is the version of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver, arch is the system architecture, and kernel is the version of the kernel that you are using:. Enter the following command to run the oracleasm initialization script with the configure option:.

Standard groups and users configuration : Specify the Oracle software owner user for example, oracle. Job role separation groups and users configuration: Specify the Grid Infrastructure software owner for example, grid. Enter the following command to run the oracleasm initialization script with the configure option:. If necessary, install or configure the disk devices that you intend to use for the disk group and restart the system.

To identify the device name for the disks to use, enter the following command:. Depending on the type of disk, the device name can vary:. Use either fdisk or parted to create a single whole-disk partition on the disk devices to use. Enter a command similar to the following to mark a disk as an Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk:.

If you are using a multipathing disk driver with Oracle Automatic Storage Management, then ensure that you specify the correct logical device name for the disk.

The disk names that you specify can contain uppercase letters, numbers, and the underscore character. They must start with an uppercase letter. Use the configure option to reconfigure the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver, if necessary.

To see command options, enter oracleasm configure without the -i flag. Use the disable and enable options to change the actions of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver when the system starts. The enable option causes the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver to load when the system starts. Options are start , stop and restart. Use the start , stop , and restart options to load or unload the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver without restarting the system.

Use the createdisk option to mark a disk device for use with the Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver and give it a name, where labelname is the name you want to use to mark the device, and devicepath is the path to the device:. Use the deletedisk option to unmark a named disk device, where diskname is the name of the disk:.

Caution: Do not use this command to unmark disks that are being used by an Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group. You must delete the disk from the Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group before you unmark it. Use the listdisks option to list the disk names of marked Oracle ASM library driver disks. Use the scandisks option to enable cluster nodes to identify which shared disks have been marked as ASMLIB disks on another node. If you do not do this, then you may lose data.

By default, the 2. If udev applies default settings, then it changes device file names and owners for the disks, corrupting them when an Oracle ASM instance is restarted. When udev is started, it sequentially carries out rules configuration directives defined in rules files. Rules files are read in lexical order. For example, rules in the file wacom. Where rules files describe the same devices, on Asianux, Red Hat, and Oracle Linux, the last file read is the one that is applied.

Using a text editor, create a udev rules file for the Oracle ASM devices, setting permissions to for the installation owner and the group whose members are administrators of the grid infrastructure software. For example, on Oracle Linux, to create a role-based configuration rules. You must do this as the root user. A software-only installation only copies the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server binaries to the specified location.

Configuring Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server and Oracle ASM must be done manually after the installation is finished. When you perform a software-only installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, you must complete a few manual configuration steps to enable Oracle Restart after you install the software.

Run the runInstaller command from the relevant directory on the Oracle Database 11 g Release 2 See "Configuring the Software Binaries" for information about configuring Oracle Grid Infrastructure after performing a software-only installation. V erify that the server meets the installation requirements using the command runcluvfy.

Ensure that you complete all storage and server preinstallation requirements. To configure and activate a software-only Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation for Oracle Restart, complete the following tasks:.

Login as root and run the roothas. If you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and then create your database, the database is automatically added to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure configuration and is automatically restarted when required. However, if you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure on a host computer on which a database exists, you must manually add the database, the listener, the Oracle ASM instance, and other components to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure configuration.

Perform the following steps to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and then create a database that is managed by Oracle Restart.

Click the help button on the Oracle Universal Installer page for page level assistance. You may have to shut down existing Oracle processes before you proceed with the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation. See "Stopping Existing Oracle Processes" for more information. Complete one of the following steps depending on the location of the installation files:. If the installation files are on the hard disk, change the directory to the path of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clusterware directory and enter the following command:.

To start Oracle Universal Installer to download updates, enter the following command:. Provide the My Oracle Support user name and password, and provide proxy settings if needed. After you download updates, transfer the update file to a directory on the server where you plan to run the installation. In the Download Software Updates screen, select one of the following options and click Next:.

Use My Oracle Support credentials for download: Select this option to download and apply the latest software updates. Provide the proxy server information for your site, along with a user account that has access to the local area network through which the server is connecting.

The proxy realm information is case-sensitive. If you do not have a proxy realm, then you do not have to provide an entry for the Proxy Username, Proxy Password, and Proxy Realm fields. Click Test Connection to ensure that your proxy settings are correctly entered, and the installer can download the updates. Use pre-downloaded software updates: Select this option to apply the software updates previously downloaded using the -downloadUpdates flag. The Apply Software Updates screen is displayed if you select to download the software updates, or provide the pre-downloaded software updates location.

If you selected Use My Oracle Support credentials for download in the previous screen, select Download and apply all updates , and then click Next to apply the updates. By default, the download location for software updates is placed in the home directory of the Oracle installation owner you are using to run this installation. If you choose to download the software updates in another location, then click Browse and select a different location on your server.

If you selected Use pre-downloaded software updates in the previous screen, select Apply all updates , and then click Next to apply the updates downloaded before starting the installation. Click Next. In the Select Product Languages screen, select one or more languages. Move the languages from the Available Languages list to the Selected Languages list. Click OK. You can enter a new name for the disk group, or use the default name.

Check with your system administrator to determine if the disks used by Oracle ASM are mirrored at the storage level. If so, select External for the redundancy. If the disks are not mirrored at the storage level, then select Normal for the redundancy. An allocation unit is the fundamental unit of allocation within a disk group. The default value is set to 1 MB. No other special characters are allowed in the password field.

Optionally, you can use the same password for all accounts. However, Oracle recommends that you specify a different password for each account. You must remember the passwords that you specify. If you create only the dba group, then you can use that group for all three privileged groups. In the Specify Installation Location screen, enter the following information, and click Next:. Oracle Base : Enter the location for the Oracle base directory.


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