Norton internet security 2006 email message windows

When NIS detects a supported e-mail client launching, it offers to integrate antispam support with that client.

Spam messages get marked with [Norton AntiSpam] in the subject line and shunted into a separate folder. You can optionally turn on blocking of popup ads and banner ads. When the e-mail scanner finds an actual virus, it halts processing to report the fact by default; you can configure it to fix the problem and continue.

You can record private information such as passwords or credit card numbers and have NIS prevent them being sent out of your system. For each private datum you can specifically block sending by e-mail, IM, or Web forms; you can also define sites as exceptions to the Web forms limitation.

Advance users can take detailed control of privacy options, specifically which standard browser information elements will or won't be transmitted to sites. When multiple user accounts are enabled, you can configure the privacy control level separately for each; private data, however, is global.

Here privacy control has blocked the sending of a fake social security number to Google. You can configure parental control separately for individual users.

The parental control wizard starts by letting you choose whether to use existing Windows user accounts or to define accounts within NIS.

You assign each user one of four account types, from Child to Supervisor. A supervisor restrict each user from viewing undesirable Web sites in 31 distinct categories. If a user attempts access to a blocked site, NIS displays a warning and also logs the event. The supervisor can also limit the types of Internet-aware programs available to each user; disallowed types will simply fail to connect. Started by thelonewolf20 Today at PM Replies: 1. Moderators online. Tom's Guide is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher.

Visit our corporate site. All rights reserved. England and Wales company registration number Top Bottom. Apr 29, Apr 20, Norton Firewall Turned off and Grayed Out. Mar 2, Remove Norton completely from Windows 10 PC. Jan 28, Oct 13, Sep 12, Keyboard virus and random windows keep opening up. Jun 15, Are the Norton Antivirus programs exactly the same? Jun 7, May 4, Apr 10, Cannot get rid of Norton Utilities Apr 9, Norton Antivirus Product Key - expired in a sealed, new box.

Mar 23, Antivirus Software Compatibility. Norton Internet Security is easy to install: a few clicks, and the program does the rest. But easy and fast are two different animals. Norton's setup may take hours if you decide to run the optional postinstallation scan. In our tests, basic setup, which includes software installation, rebooting, downloading updated files, and configuring security settings, took about 30 minutes--roughly the same as McAfee Internet Security Suite But Norton's optional postsetup antivirus scan added another 1 hour, 45 minutes to the process.

While this was 30 minutes less than McAfee Internet Security Suite took, Norton rendered our PC virtually unusable for other tasks while it worked. Technically, we could use our test machine with Norton AntiVirus actively scanning in the background, but whenever Microsoft Word takes more than two minutes to launch, you're better off reading a book. Norton Internet Security keeps the intuitive interface design from previous versions.

The home screen, known as the Norton Protection Center, provides links to major security components, including virus and worm protection, a firewall, and e-mail and instant-messenger scanning. Many users won't ever tinker with individual component settings and may choose to rely on the Norton Protection Center console instead.

Unfortunately, we found some of the console's protection information inaccurate or misleading. On our test PC, for instance, the Protection Center listed "No Coverage" under the Data Recovery heading, meaning our PC had no protection against disk crashes, missing files, or installation disasters--this, even though we had a copy of Uniblue WinBackup installed. Frankly, we'd like to see the Protection Center recognize installed non-Symantec applications--and keep advertising clearly marked as such.

On the Windows desktop, Norton inserts a color-coded status icon within the Taskbar. A green check mark means you're fully protected; a red X spells trouble. Pop-up messages warn you when Norton detects danger--for example, whenever a new virus hits your system--and offers a suggestion to repair the problem. In general, the frequency and the number of pop-ups were not overwhelming. Norton Internet Security has improved over the last year, thanks to a handful of worthy, if unspectacular, enhancements.

For instance, a new feature called Security Inspector finds, and in some cases patches, potential security holes, including weak browser settings and Windows passwords.

In our tests, Norton Security Inspector accurately detected and changed after asking permission several insecure Internet Explorer settings.


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